YouTube allows creators who have violated community guidelines to avoid a strike

01 September 2023

In a blog post update earlier this week, changes to the YouTube Community Guideline warnings were outlined. YouTube has decided to give second chances and let creators take a class to avoid a strike!

With how important it is to stay in the good graces of the YouTube monetization program, we imagine that many creators will be taking YouTube up on their offer.

Up until this point, the YouTube strike system has always relied on a 3 tier system based on 90-day periods.

  • 1st strike – a one-week temporary ban on uploading
  • 2nd strike – a two-week temporary ban on uploading
  • 3rd strike – account termination

Now YouTube is making efforts to make their strike system as clear and consistent as possible and give users a second chance if they violate guidelines. Creators will be given a warning about their content and will be allowed to complete an educational training course. Completion of the course will let them stay in good standing and it’ll be like the strike never really happened at all.

What will the course be about?

The course will actually center around YouTube community guidelines and policies. Hopefully, by providing users with a course, they won’t violate the guidelines a second time around. After all, they won’t have much of an excuse for not knowing the guidelines after the course…

YouTube Community Guidelines

Once the course has been completed, creators will have the warnings on their channels lifted. Similar to the three-strike system, as long as the policy isn’t violated again in a 90-day period, the creator is in the clear!

However, if the policy does happen to be violated again, the video will not only be removed but a strike will be added to their channel. One thing to note is that the first time warning is not a new thing. YouTube has been warning creators the first time they violate guidelines since 2019. This is in hopes of providing further educational resources for creators.

Our strikes system is an important way for us to help creators and artists understand when they’ve crossed the line by uploading content that undermines that goal…

Main Takeaway

If you’re a creator, you more than likely won’t ever violate a community guideline, but you should be aware of what they are just in case! Read more about them here.

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Alex Caceres Alex Caceres , 01 September 2023
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