Zapier with Metricool Guide

07 July 2022

Do you want to automate your day-to-day work in an agency? The solution is at your fingertips: it’s time to learn how to use Zapier’s integration with Metricool.

Do you want to have access to all Metricool features? You will find this article interesting. 👇🏻

How Zapier works with Metricool

Before we get down to the nitty-gritty of explaining how Zapier works, a few introductions are necessary. 

What is Zapier?

Zapier is an integration tool for automating workflows in your day-to-day life.

You can think of it as an intermediary between the apps you use, such as Twitter, Asana, or Google Sheets, and the activities you want to automate. 

Zaps are workflows that connect your apps to automate repetitive tasks.

  • The trigger: what needs to happen (an event that starts a Zap)
  • The action: what has to be done. (an event a Zap performs)

When there is a new trigger, an action will be taken automatically. The trigger and the action can happen in the same or different apps. 

🚀 For example

We want that every time there is a new post in WordPress (trigger), a new row is created in Google Sheets with different columns, where column A will be the post title,  column B the image, etc (action).

In this case, Zapier will repeat the action each time the trigger happens.

The trigger is a new post and the action is that it is added to Google Sheet.

How to integrate Zapier with Metricool

Now that you know what Zapier is, it’s time to see which steps you need to complete to integrate it with your Metricool account. 

You first need a Metricool account with an active ADVANCED or ENTERPRISE plan and your social media profiles connected to at least one brand.

▶️ You can sign up for free with a Metricool account here.

▶️ You can use the ZAP15 code to try a Advanced plan for 15 days at no cost.

▶️ If you don’t know how to perform the initial Metricool settings, you can check out this YouTube playlist.


  • Go to Zapier’s website
  • Click on the magnifying glass on the upper right to search for applications.
  • Search for Metricool and click on it: Here you can access the Metricool integration page. At the bottom of the screen, you can check the supported triggers and actions available with Metricool.
  • Click on connect and…

You have already connected Zapier with Metricool!

⚠️ To get started with Zapier, you must enter the API Token available for Advanced plans and above. 

You can find the API Token in Metricool account settings (drop-down menu at the top right) > Identification.

Triggers and actions between Metricool and Zapier

As we mentioned, several triggers and actions are currently available in the Zapier and Metricool integration.


✅ New Failed Post: If you have a post scheduled and the post fails to publish. A new trigger is created. 

✅ New Draft in Planner: If you or someone in your team adds a new post as a draft to the Metricool’s planning tool for the next “N” days (N defines how many days you want to watch in advance for new drafts), a new trigger will be created. 

✅ New Scheduled Post: The same as above, only that the post has been actually scheduled. 

✅ New conversation in Inbox: It triggers when you receive a message or comment on your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter profiles through Metricool.

✅ New Published Post: It triggers when a post that was scheduled with Metricool is finally posted. It includes the post information and direct links to the post on the social networks where it was shared.

New GMB review: Triggers when Metricool detects a new incoming review for your GMB location (now Google Business Profile).

✅ New post in comments: this trigger is triggered every time it detects new comments on posts you have made in the selected network and is only executed if the last comment is from a user.

Added new trigger to allow users to export their networks metrics from Metricool to any other platform with a Zapier integration (Google sheet, airtable, whatever)


✅ Add a post to an Autolist: Add a new post to an existing autolist.

✅ Schedule a post: add a post to the Metricool Planner.

Reply to a GMB Review: Send a reply to an incoming GMB review using Metricool.

✅ Reply to comment on post: this action is intended for replying to comments on your posts that come from the previous Trigger, as it requires fields such as the comment identifier.

✅ Reply to a conversation: An option that will come in handy to create an auto-reply whenever you receive a new message.

Added Video Thumbnail Url option for YouTube videos and Instagram Reels.

✅ Added First comment text option.

For example: 

When someone moves a Trello card from the pending to the validated column, I want Zapier to copy the title and content of the Trello card to paste it as the caption and the card’s cover image as the photo that will accompany the post.

This way, you can schedule posts on Metricool from the task management application Trello. All through Zapier.

zapier with metricool

This is all you need to get started with Metricool’s new integration with Zapier and automate workflows.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment. 

In this video, you can get more information about this new integration.

Carlos Bravo Carlos Bravo , 07 July 2022


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