Metricool’s Social Media Planner

16 May 2023

Is it possible to keep your social media profiles continuously updated with fresh, engaging content? Absolutely, with Metricool’s social media planner.

Social media planners are an indispensable tool for anyone who works in social media. It allows you to:

Schedule your posts so that they’re published automatically on the day and time you choose.

Save time at work, scheduling your content frees up time to work on other tasks.

Manage all the social networks you work with from one place, making your work as a community manager super easy.

The Metricool planner gives you all these advantages and more. There are also a host of hacks for getting the most out of this savvy tool, which we’ll tell you about if you keep reading.

Before you can use the Metricool planner, you’ll need to be a ‘Metricooler’.

What Can you Do Metricool’s Social Media Planner?

The main reason social media managers use planners is to schedule their posts on social media networks. 

The Metricool planner allows you to do just that as it’s compatible with the most popular social networks:

▶️ Facebook: Standard posts (image, carousel and videos); Stories, and Reels, with automatic posting.

▶️ Instagram: Images, carousel, videos, Reels, and Stories with automatic publishing; longer videos semi-automatic publishing.

▶️ X (Twitter): Tweets and Threads.

▶️ TikTok: TikTok videos.

️▶️ YouTube: Videos and Shorts.

▶️ LinkedIn: Standard posts.

▶️ Google My Business: Updates.

▶️ Pinterest: Pins and create dashboard from Metricool.

Scheduling your social media content has never been easier than with the Metricool social media planner:

  1. Open the Metricool planner.
  2. Select the social media site you want to post on. 
  3. You can schedule content across all social networks at the same time. Write your content as a template, add the social networks you want to publish to, edit and adapt the content to each network with: characters, multimedia elements, links or emojis. All of this, without leaving the post creation window.
  4. Write your copy, add multimedia content or whatever additional content you need depending on the site you’re posting to.
  5. Choose the day and time you want it to be published.
  6. Click Save and you’re all set.

💡 MetriTip

You can see the content you’ve scheduled by going to the calendar and, if you need to, filtering by social media. All your content, controlled at a glance.

metricool social media planner

Other features

If you thought that’s all Metricool’s social media planner could do… You’d be wrong!

We’ve put together this list of features to fill you in on everything you need to know about the tool:

  • Integration with Canva.

Design all your content with Canva and take it to Metricool without leaving the platform. From one tool you design and from the other you program.

  • Best times.

Metricool’s best times feature shows you when your audience is most active. This gives you control over when to post and ensures you’ll get extra interactions. 

  • Feed preview.

The feed preview feature lets you see how your post will look before publishing it. That way you can see whether you need to change anything and make sure everything looks good.

  • History.

In the history section, you have the option to view all your scheduled posts and their current status: published, pending, draft or error. See all your planned content on Metricool at a glance.

  • Autolists.

Metricool autolists are a great way to always have content on your social media pages. Create the autolist, choose the post and plan the days you want it to be published: the wheel never stops spinning.

  • Import.

To make it that much easier to plan your social media content, Metricool lets you import a file in CSV format to upload your posts. 

  • Image editor.

If you usually upload images to your publications with the tool’s internal editor you can modify any aspect of your photo or add new elements, such as stickers, filters, etc.

  • Add images and GIFs.

Use the gifs and images search engine from within Metricool to find the ideal multimedia content for your content. This way, you won’t have to go to other pages to look for it: all from Metricool.

  • UTM Parameters

UTMs allow you to measure where the traffic sources of links you share are coming from, more accurately. From Metricool you can schedule a post, add your links, and put the corresponding UTM: social, campaign, etc.

  • First comment

With this feature you can schedule the first comment on your post you just scheduled. With this option you have the possibility to include more information such as a link, text that does not fit into the caption, etc.

This feature is available for Facebook (Reels and posts), Instagram (posts), LinkedIn, TikTok and YouTube (videos and shorts).

That’s it for the Metricool social media planner, which will no doubt become your new favorite social media ‘life partner’.

  • Save text

With this option you can save text that you use on regular basis, and automatically schedule it with your content.

You also have a search engine option at hand to easily search and find these texts.

Want to learn more about this awesome tool? 

Carlos Bravo Carlos Bravo , 16 May 2023

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