TikTok Analytics with Metricool

09 August 2022

Want to use Metricool to have your TikTok analytics always ready to go?

Then keep reading because in this post you’ll find out how to view your video stats and how to prepare them for your monthly report, taking your brand on the way to TikTok fame.

TikTok video analytics with Metricool

To measure your TikTok metrics with Metricool, first you’ll need an account.

Click on the link below to create one in less than five minutes:

⚡️ Sign up to Metricool for FREE

Then you’ll need to connect your TikTok account to Metricool by clicking in the top right corner, where your brand is located > Connections > TikTok.

Now you’re all set to find out everything that goes on in your TikTok account thanks to Metricool.

TikTok metrics with Metricool

Let’s get straight to the point — what information does Metricool give you to analyze your TikTok metrics?

With Metricool you have all the information of your personal and business TikTok account.

  • Views

The first section of Metricool for your TikTok channel is the views: one of the main TikTok metrics you look at as a user, and key to finding out your video’s reach. In fact, when you go to a creator’s profile, the only statistic you’ll see is the number of views below on the left. 

Metricool lets you see the total views you’ve gained from the TikToks you’ve uploaded in the chosen time frame. In addition to the videos you’ve uploaded each day. 

This way you can see how many views you’ve had on a day when you’ve uploaded more or less videos.

  • Interactions

The most important metric to understand how users reacted to your videos, whether they participated, liked, or ignored your content.

With Metricool, you can measure the total interactions, as well as the number of likes, comments, plus the times your videos have been shared. And like in the previous metric, this is displayed next to the number of videos you’ve recorded in the selected time period. 

As with views, this feature allows you to compare the number of videos you’ve posted each day with the interactions you’ve achieved. And this is precisely what TikTok analytics is all about.

  • Impression sources

Another important metric is where the source of your traffic is coming from. With impression sources, you can see where users are finding your videos.

These are divided by the TikTok section viewers found your videos, including the following sections:

  1. For You – View originated from a user For You feed
  2. Follow – View originated from a user Follow feed
  3. Hashtag – View originated from a hashtag
  4. Sound – View originated from the videos sound
  5. Personal Profile – View originated from the business account profile page
  6. Search – View originated from a search on the Discover page
  • List of videos

In this ranking of your TikToks, you’ll be able to see at a glance how each of the videos you’ve created are performing.

Metricool shows you the date you posted the TikTok, the number of views, likes, comments, shares, and length.

You can also sort the list by the TikTok metric you’re most interested in and customize the columns. For instance, you can choose whether you want the publication date or length to appear.

At the bottom of the video, you have two more buttons: one with the TikTok copy information and one with a direct link to view the video.

tiktok analytics metricool

TikTok data custom reporting with Metricool

Want to have all your video data neatly packed in a customized report to present to your client or an agency as a media kit?

Well, with Metricool that wish can come true.

It’s as easy as generating the report with your videos’ performance once at the beginning of each month:

  • In the left column of your Metricool dashboard, click ‘Reports’, choose the period and language, and check the TikTok checkbox: you can customize it with a template, add your brand logo, etc.
  • Would you rather forget about the report and have Metricool send it every month? No problem! Select the destination email address, add some text if you like, and voilà. Metricool will send your report automatically every month. 
tiktok analytics metricool reports

So, that’s how you measure TikTok analytics with Metricool, with data including views and interactions plus the option to put the info in your own custom performance reports.

If you’d like to learn everything there is to know about Metricool, head over to our Mega Tutorial of all the tool’s features

Carlos Bravo Carlos Bravo , 09 August 2022

TikTok Study 2023

We’ve analyzed over 1.9M videos and 48K accounts

These are the answers to the big questions about its algorithm.

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