How to grow on Instagram 2022: Strategies to grow your brand

28 March 2022

How to grow on Instagram?

You don’t need more followers. You need more people interested in your products or services. 

Closing sales or gaining new clients does not depend on the number of followers. There are small communities that sell more than accounts with 10K followers. 

And how? Based on an interaction and content strategy, taking care of their followers and other effective sales techniques

In this article, I will give you some tips to grow your business or personal brand on Instagram. Grab a notepad and a pen!

Optimize your Instagram profile

  1. Smart profile name 

It’s crucial to have your Instagram profile optimized.

Users should know who you are, what you do and what you have to offer when they arrive to your account. 

The first step is to optimize your profile name with a keyword that will help gain new followers interested in your brand through searches.

  1. Bio description

It is also important that you create a striking description.

What should you include? 

  • The value proposition of your business 
  • Call to action to take the user to a specific conversion. For example, download an ebook.
  • Location, if you are a local business and want to attract users from a specific area. 
  • Emojis to organize information and offer a more visual image
  1. Instagram Stories Highlights

Stories Highlights are a perfect format to showcase your business, for example, adding contact options such as a link to WhatsApp, images of your local, show your store collections, etc.

  1. Link

On Instagram we can only include one clickable link, therefore, we have to make the most of it.

You can include multiple links with Metricool or create your own landing page. So you can redirect to the sections of the web that interest you the most.

metricool smartlinks on instagram
[Metricool SmartLinks]

  1. Informative buttons

Add buttons with your business information so they can contact you easily. You can add your email, phone and a direct message button.

Create valuable content

Instagram is a very visual network. We consume content at full speed by viewing an enormous amount of posts per minute.

You need to encourage people to stop and read your posts. Work on the content, caption and images.

Thanks to a content strategy you can strengthen a relationship of trust with your followers. Use all the opportunities that Instagram gives you to create content: stories, post on your feed, long videos, Reels and lives.

We surf Instagram for fun, learning and inspiration.

Therefore, I recommend that you think about what to post carefully. Create an editorial calendar with a goal and a strategy focused on finding customers (but not pure sales content). 

Through your  content you can:

  • Build trust
  • Create a community
  • Connect with your ideal customers

Do not post at the hours they recommend, but at the times that best suits your Instagram community.

To do this, analyze your data and determine what are the best hours of publication on your Instagram account.

Publication frequency

One of the most important things on Instagram is consistency.

You don’t have to post every day, but you have to be consistent so that your followers don’t forget you.

Posts are displayed based on the Instagram algorithm, which takes into account the interests of users, the accounts you interact with, the novelty, the interaction and the first hour of your post going live.

There is no perfect frequency so you will have to run several tests. Always bear in mind that you must be consistent both in stories and in the feed.

Invest in advertising

Currently I cannot conceive a strategy on Instagram without an advertising investment part.

Thanks to Instagram Ads, you can enhance your visibility, increase visits to your website, bring potential customers to your local business, capture leads, impact users interested in your products or services, etc.

One of the most important things about Instagram Ads is creating campaigns from the strategy thanks to sales funnels.

They are marketing systems with the objective of creating a relationship with the user, leading them to a conversion. 

Run ad campaigns with influencers and microinfluencers

Influencer marketing is a strategy that continues to pay off. However, there is no use in hiring an influencer who is not aligned with our brand values.

So what do you have to look at to hire an influencer? 

  • Analyze the publications, how many are collaborations and how many are their own.
  • Quality of content, photos and texts
  • Average number of comments in brand and own publications 
  • Average likes
  • Quality of comments
  • Account values
  • Target audience 

As I mentioned, having followers is not synonymous with success. Sometimes brands invest in influencers who have ghost followers or who are not aligned with their products / services.

Interaction strategy

Interactions are key to appear in the feed of your followers.

It is not worth uploading a publication and then neglect Instagram. You have to create a community. 

  • Reply to comments 
  • Visit other accounts and leave comments that add value. 
  • Reply to stories.
  • Greet your audience through stories.

To create interaction in your posts there is some content that works very well. For example:

  • Introductions. Humanize your brand and introduce yourself to the new audience that reaches your account.
  • Tutorials. You teach your followers advice on a topic that you master.. 
  • Behind the scenes. You involve your community and show how you work, how you create a new collection, etc. 

It is also important that you ask specific questions in each post. Very general or open-ended questions are more difficult for your followers to answer.

Hashtag strategy

Hashtags are used to organize the brand content, increase the reach of your publications and get more quality followers.

They are a great resource as long as you have a clear strategy.

The best way to work with hashtags is in an excel document with the keywords grouped according to categories and search volume. In this way, you can make the best combination and continuously refresh them.

To carry out the research you can proceed by choosing keywords in the Instagram search and observing their volume or use with an application like “In Tags”.

This app lets you filter by keyword and search volume to create the best combination with an optimal level of competition.

Visual and organized feed

Instagram is a social network where photographs grow in importance.

You need to have an ordered and consistent feed to get the user’s attention, it is your cover letter.

💡 How can you do it? 

By using the same color scheme and the same edition. It is also important that you take care of the light and the compositions of the images.

Analyze your Instagram account

It is very important that you analyze the performance of your account to know if the actions you are carrying out work.

To do this, you can use the Metricool tool.

In the following image you can see at a glance how your account is growing.

It is important that you look for a strange spike and try to understand why that happened. 

grow on instagram analytics metricool

Another very interesting section is the metrics of your publications.

  • Engagement 
  • Interactions
  • Reach
  • Impressions
  • Posts published

The engagement is the commitment, interest and interaction of your followers. In each sector there is a different average, so I recommend that you analyze the engagement of your competitors and assess whether you are on the right path or not.

You can also analyze the metrics of the actions that a user can perform in a publication:

  • Likes
  • Comments 
  • Saves
  • Number of posts

Comments and saves are among the most important metrics on Instagram. It shows you if the user is interested in your content. 

Tips to grow on Instagram

In summary, to grow on Instagram you need perseverance, interaction and a good content strategy.

There is no use of uploading “this product is available” or “buy the new collection” posts. You have to inspire and entertain your audience.

And above all, you can’t upload a post and wait for interactions to arrive. You have to be present on Instagram and start interacting with your followers.

I hope the article helps you get started with your Instagram strategy.

If you have any questions, leave me a comment here or on my social networks. And if you found the article interesting, share it. 🙂

Sara Fernández Serrano Sara Fernández Serrano , 28 March 2022
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