Build a Facebook Marketing Strategy from Scratch

21 September 2023

Facebook continues to evolve and even if it it’s no longer your main social media app, this network is still one of the most important for marketing your brand.

Facebook has millions of daily active users who search, view, and purchase all types of products and services. Therefore, being present on this social network is vital for your business. In addition, thanks to its advertising platform, you can increase the impact of your content.  

If you are not using Facebook as a marketing channel for your brand, build your Facebook marketing strategy from scratch here.

It’s time to plan your strategy and succeed.

What is Facebook?

Facebook is a social media network that launched in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. At the beginning, it was a simple network for sharing photos, commenting on friends posts, and interacting with other users.

As it has grown tremendously, the network has incorporated new features to become an entertainment, e-commerce, connection, and marketing platform for brands, content creators, and users.

Facebook has over 2 billion daily active users that can search, view, and share products and services across the network. Having your brand present on this social network is vital.

Also, thanks to the advertising opportunities available on this platform, you can gain thousands of impressions and conversions across both Facebook and Instagram.

Why Facebook Marketing?

Having a Facebook Page for your company or personal brand is essential for your marketing digital strategy.

Especially because:

You can increase your reach. 

✅ You can create a community around your brand.

✅ You have an avenue for selling your products or services. 

✅ You can cross-promote your products, services, events, social accounts, etc.

✅ You can create advertising campaigns for Facebook and Instagram.

Another benefit of using Facebook for your brand is to improve your position amongst Google search results, so when people search for your company, you can appear among the the first results.

How to Get Started With Facebook Marketing

How do you include Facebook marketing in your digital strategy?

First you must to be sure you are active and consistent on this social network.

You might be able to get by without some other social media platforms, but Facebook is a must in your social media plan.

It’s the social channel with the largest number of users and it allows you to create ads for both Facebook and Instagram.

➡️ Create your personal Facebook account

 If you don’t have a Facebook Page yet, then you have to start from the beginning.

In order to open a Facebook page for your business, first you must open a personal account to be able to manage it. So if you haven’t created a profile yet, create one now! It won’t take more than a few minutes.

If you have chosen a temporary password, don’t worry, you can change it whenever you want from Settings > Change password.

▶️ Create a Facebook Profile ◀️

➡️ Create your Facebook page

The next step after setting up a personal profile is to create your own business profile on Facebook. A Facebook fan page to give a professional look to your profile and to base your Facebook marketing strategy on.  

▶️ How to Create a Facebook Page for Businesses◀️

➡️ Delete your Facebook Page

Do you want to delete your personal Facebook profile or your company page? 

▶️ How to Delete your Facebook Page◀️

If you already have a Facebook account and page for your business, then you’re ready to start creating your strategy.

Optimize your Facebook Business Page

Similar to other social media networks, is essential to optimize your profile or page to improve the user experience, and to achieve your goals. But here are a few tips to optimize your Facebook profile:

#1: Add brand images: Upload an accurate and quality profile and cover photo. If you have a company profile, make sure this photo features your logo or a representation of your branding. This will help your brand resonate with your audience.

#2: Fill in as much information as possible: Within your Facebook page, there’s a lot of information you can add. Add as much information and content as possible so that users are clear of what your brand or business does. Above all, make sure to add in this essential information:

  • Description of your business
  • Contact information and link to your website
  • Other important info about your brand including business hours, location, price ranges, etc.

#3: Add a Call-to-Action button: Facebook allows you to add a button to reach your goals. You can use this to drive traffic to your website, promote a limited-time campaign, link other social media accounts, or encourage users to sign up for your service.

Plan your Facebook Strategy

Now that you have created your Facebook Page for your business, it’s the moment to start designing your marketing strategy on this social network.

🚀 How to Grow on Facebook

Analyze your Competition

What are your competitors doing on this social network and how?

Analyzing your competitors closely doesn’t mean copying them, rather extracting valuable information about what works for them and what doesn’t.

With Metricool, you can analyze your competitor’s social media content, to view what content they are posting, and what has worked best for them.

Define your Objectives

After having analyzed your competitors, you must stop to thoroughly think about the objectives you want to reach with your Facebook marketing strategy.

These objectives are the ones that will allow you to keep growing and reach the visibility that you were looking for. Here are a few examples for inspiration:

✅ Increase visibility

✅ Create a community around your brand

✅ Drive traffic to your website

✅ Boost sales and conversions

Once you have thought about your objectives, it’s time to give some shape to your strategy…

👉 Choose your ideal target audience

One of your objectives should be choosing your ideal target audience.

A public that will become advocates of your brand and will buy, recommend and enjoy your products or services.

It’s not all a bed of roses with your public or community… you will also have trolls, and some users will deserve to be blocked. 

You can block users from ‘Settings’> ‘People and other pages’> ‘Banned people and pages’> Search the username and ban access to the page.

And if you want to unblock the person from your page, follow the same steps and click unban.

You can also link your WhatsApp Business account to your Facebook fan page. This way, users can contact you on WhatsApp in just one click or you can make Facebook Ads and have people respond on this instant messaging app.

Manage your fan page or company page messages on Facebook: your community will appreciate you responding to them and interacting with them by resolving questions or receiving feedback. 

There are several ways to manage your messages: from your browser, from the Facebook Messenger app, or from Metricool, where you have all the options in the same tool.

👉 Design what content you will post

You should establish your content plan with at least one month in advance, oriented towards your ideal customer and the targets that you want to achieve. It will allow you to work with planning and without unnecessary stress.

📅 How to Schedule a Post on Facebook

Decide What Content to Post

You need to stay consistent and active if you want your Facebook marketing to thrive. This means to publish daily or even several times a day, reply to all the comments you receive, etc.

Besides, it’s important to vary the type of content on social media to avoid boring your followers and increase Facebook engagement.

Even, you can schedule your content on Facebook with Metricool. Discover what is the best time to publish to increase your engagement.

Remember that if you plan your content, you can edit scheduled post Facebook in both Creator Studio and Metricool


After the texts, photos and videos are essential parts of your content to boost interactions.

✅ They capture the attention of users.

✅ They encourage users to share your content.

Before you start publishing without rhyme or reason, you must know the image and video’s dimensions supported by each social network. Otherwise, your content could be cut-off, pixelated or might not even display at all. Take care of your image as you might not be able to give that crucial first impression.


Polls are very popular on Facebook, most of the companies make this type of content because the results are astonishing.

✅ Polls increase the reach of your Facebook Page.

✅ They improve the engagement.

✅ They help you to know your followers’ opinions.

✅ They build a relationship with your users.

Do you think that using polls is a good idea? How to create polls on Facebook!


A Facebook contest is another type of post that you can make and can bring postive results. Here are some of the advantages:

✅ It increases your followers

✅ It improves your reach

✅ It’s a good strategy to build loyalty with your followers

✅ It helps you to drive traffic to your site


It is one of the tools that Facebook puts at your disposal to share photos, videos and multimedia content in 360 degrees.

🔎 How Facebook 360 works


Live video is becoming more and more important on Facebook. It’s a direct way to connect with your audience and allow them to participate in your content.

According to Vimeo, 78% of users on Facebook are watching live videos.

🎥 I want to know more about Facebook Live


Share short videos, up to 90 seconds long, on Facebook. Show your company’s more casual side and increase your community.

It’s simple: you have an idea, record it in 90 seconds, edit, and share.

🚀 How Facebook Reels Work


Facebook Stories allow you to create casual, spontaneous content to attract followers.

Create content that lasts 24 hours with the creative tools Facebook provides: get your followers to engage with you and build community.

🎥 Everything you need to know about Facebook Stories


If you’re looking for a new avenue to promote your products, you should consider adding a Facebook Shop to your Page. It’s incredibly easy to do, and comes at no added cost to you.

▶️ How to Set Up a Facebook Shop ◀️

Schedule your Facebook Content

Now you’re ready to actually publish your Facebook content. However, if you manage multiple social media accounts, it can become overwhelming to manually post across each platform.

To execute your Facebook marketing strategy well and hit your business goals, you need to keep a few things in mind:

✅ You need a consistent posting frequency.

✅ Your content needs to be high quality and engaging to your audience.

✅ If you post at optimal times, you can gain more interactions.

✅ Remember that if you plan your content, you can schedule and edit content in both Meta Business Suite and Metricool.

Scheduling content allows you to save time in your content creation process, post at your best hours, and then view analytics of your content’s performance.

Factors to Keep in Mind

There are a Facebook terms that you should know to understand how the network works, so that you can continue to improve your content and strategy.

Facebook Algorithm

Facebook’s algorithm, also known as Edgerank, is a set of calculations that Facebook uses to decide which content to display for each user.

It’s important to understand how the Facebook algorithm works, so you can increase your content’s visibility, position your content well, and boost your interactions.

Contact Facebook

It’s inevitable that you will run into issues on the network at least once. If this happens, it’s important to know where to reach out for help.

For situations that you can’t find a solution for, I recommend contacting Facebook directly to resolve the issue.

Join Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are reserved for different users with common interests, where they share their knowledge or information.

There are many possible objectives that a Facebook group can have: 

  • Branding
  • Positioning your company as a model
  • Customer service
  • Entertainment
  • Mastermind, etc…

Measure your Facebook Marketing Strategy

A social strategy is worthless if you don’t monitor your results, you could be doing well or the opposite. 

This is why it is crucial to monitor and understand what you are doing right and what you are not

There is plenty of data that you can extract from Facebook:

✅ Community growth

✅ Follower balance

✅ Content impact

✅ Interactions from your community

✅ Engagement rates

Analyzing all this data allows you get to know your community and understand how your Facebook marketing strategy is performing.


Advertising on Facebook 

Facebook ads can help increase your reach and get the most out of all the opportunities that Facebook digital marketing brings.

But first of all… Do you know what Facebook Ads are? If not, here’s a guide to explain how it works:

Facebook Ads have multiple advantages such as:

  • Improve the visibility of your publications
  • Increase your followers
  • It allows you to choose who will view your ads
  • Improve the sales of your products

Facebook Ads is a multi-device advertising platform, that is, ads will display in any kind of device and can reach any type of audience. 

If you don’t know anything about Facebook Ads, find an updated guide for beginners.

Meta Business Suite

Meta Business Suite is a free tool on Facebook for operating and managing marketing activities related to your business. 

From here you can create ad campaigns on Facebook, analyze their performance and results and manage your company’s fan page.

What is Meta Business Suite?

Before you start your ad campaigns on Facebook, you must know what Facebook pixel is. This is a Javascript code that you can insert on your website. This code allows Facebook to access your page so you can optimize your Facebook ad campaigns.

This pixel gathers all the data related to your website so you can get the most out of your ads on this social platform. Get to know the audience that visit your page, try to reach that target with your ads and make your campaigns profitable.

Find inspiration for your Ads with Facebook Ads Library

Do you want to learn more about where to find this Facebook pixel to insert it on your site? Find a complete tutorial below so you can start using it: 

Everything Facebook Pixel

You must decide your objectives before starting your Facebook Ads campaigns. This platform offers three different categories for your ads:

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Conversion

Once you choose your objective, it’s time to configure your ads following these phases:

▶️ Choose your target audience: it is easy to create your own segmentation

▶️ Decide the location of your ads

▶️ Choose your budget and dates

▶️ Select the type of ad, Facebook will offer you several options

🚩 How to Run a Re-marketing Facebook Campaign Step-by-Step

Measure your Facebook Ads

As important as measuring your social media strategy is to measuring your actions on Facebook Ads.

You will have information about your ads, how many people click on them and whether they are profitable or not. 

So, if you want to learn more about how to measure your ads on Facebook and make them profitable, you can check the following article about Facebook Ads metrics:

➡️ Make your Facebook Investment Pay Off

➡️ Facebook Ads Metrics

Facebook Ads is a platform where many companies invest a lot of money with the objective of getting more visibility, making their investments profitable and increasing their sales. 

Differences Between Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads

If you want to learn more about Facebook Ads, start creating your first campaigns and learn how to measure their performance, you need a detailed guide for your Facebook ads:

This is complete guide about how to carry out your Facebook Marketing without missing a single strategy. So, it’s time to get started with your strategy on the most popular social network.

Do you have any question? Let us know in the comment!

Sara Martín Sara Martín , 21 September 2023

Facebook Ads 2023 study

Improve your strategy with this data!

We’ve analyzed over 491,000 campaigns worldwide, conducted from over 29,000 advertising accounts.

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