Best Times to publish on Twitter

30 January 2018

What time is best to publish on Twitter?

If you tweet ignoring the time your followers are connected, does it mean that you are wasting your efforts? The answer is yes. It matters little if you write captivating and witty tweets, if you do it at times when nobody is active, your tweets will disappear with no glory.

So then, how can you find out when is the best time of day and week to post a tweet?

You have two options:

  • Follow the hours that the studies recommend
  • Discover on your own when your followers are connected 

💡 Best time to publish on social media

Key times to tweet

It’s very important to acknowledge the fact that you will have to use your own means to find out when is best to tweet. This is something very personal for your brand. However, to get a broad idea of the best times to post on Twitter, pay attention to the following:

✅ Between 12:00 and 13:00: Twitter normally registers a higher level of activity during this time period.

✅ Between 11:00 and 13:00: During this period, the number of tweets reaches its highest. So, if you want your tweets to be read, posting at that time, when most of publications are concentrated, it might not be a good idea.

✅ Between 3:00 and 4:00: this time is when fewer tweets are published on this social network.

Tools to find the best time to publish on Twitter

Although there are countless studies about this subject, when you put them into practice, the outcome is very different. As we explained to you earlier, there is not a specific time that guarantees that your post will reach all your followers.

However, the good news is that you can find out for yourself when it is best for you to tweet. How? Thanks to tools like Metricool. These tools amongst others, will help you with:

  • Maximizing the performance of all your tweets
  • Optimizing the publication of your content

Find your best times to publish on Twitter with Metricool

Metricool not only helps you at managing your accounts on different social networks, it will also be your best weapon to discover what you are yearning for: The best times to publish on Twitter.

How to find the ideal time with Metricool?

It will be such an effective and easy process that, when you try it, you won’t use any other tool. Simply follow the next steps:

  • Access to Metricool clicking on the planning tab
  • Choose the social network that you want to program, in this case Twitter. You can also schedule publications on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
  • Pay attention to the planning calendar that Metricool puts at your disposal.

This calendar contains different shades of blue. What does this mean? A darker hue will indicate a better time to tweet.

So now, simply select those hours marked with darker blue and program your content to succeed.

If you prefer to see it in figures, you can activate this option in the advanced settings button. In the calendar,  you will see a percentage of active followers in the chosen time slot.

Metricool offers a basic plan free of charge if you want to start working with this tool. Try it firsthand!

best times to publish on twitter metricool

Other tips to make the best of your tweets

Besides learning when it’s best to tweet for your brand, it’s important that you keep in mind the following list of tips that we have prepared for you. They will come in very handy to optimize your content. Hold on to them!

Publish daily

If you want to capture your followers’ attention and increase the engagement of your content, not only do you need to post at the right time but also make an effort to be constant at publishing your content. Our advice? Try at least to post once a day.

Make your own trials

Why not check for yourself when it’s best to tweet? If you want to go deeper, investigating on your own can be a good option. We recommend you post at different times of the day, from Monday to Friday and on the weekend too. With this method you will learn if the tool you are using to schedule your content and other studies is right or not. Don’t you think?

Don’t forget to measure your results

It’s pointless to spend time finding out when is best to post for you if you don’t measure your results. How many retweets, favorites or clicks did your content receive? This is one of the most tedious tasks that a Community or Social Media Manager must face, nonetheless it is critical.

But, do you know the good news? Metricool will also provide you with stats regarding your tweets and lets you customize reports to show your clients so, you won’t have to prepare them manually, saving your time and perhaps a few headaches.

So, as you can see, discovering the best time to post your tweets has many advantages. Thanks to this, your content will reach your target audience. Your tweets will get all the retweets and favorites that you were hoping for. Now, you just have to put it into practice!

Juan Pablo Juan Pablo , 30 January 2018
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