Schedule your content on Pinterest

31 January 2022

You just landed on Pinterest, and manually posting your pins takes you a lot of time. You might wonder if there is an option to plan your content ahead of time and leave it scheduled. 

The answer is yes… with Metricool!

In this post, I will tell you how you can program all the content you want to post on Pinterest from Metricool. 

How to schedule pins on Metricool

Planning and programming your Pinterest content on Metricool will help you manage your time and use the day for other important tasks.

How to do it? Stay with us. We’ll tell you all about it.

To schedule your content on Pinterest, you need to register with Metricool.

Haven’t you created an account yet?

If you are already part of Metricool, skip the previous step and get to work!

1 Go to Planner and Create New Post

In the Metricool planner, go to Create New Post and check the Pinterest box.

2 Schedule your Content

Within Metricool’s planner, you can post pins on existing boards in your account or create a new one from the platform.

✅ Add the image or the video you want to publish, keeping in mind the limits set by Pinterest: .PNG or .JPG format, and a maximum of 20 MB. It is also recommended that you use a 2:3 ratio or 1000X1500 px.

✅ Videos: MP4 format (our planning tool will convert the format when uploading), duration between 4 and 15 seconds, maximum size of 500 MB.

In the text box or description, write the copy that will accompany the pin. Here, in this same box, you can add a link at the end of the text where you want to direct users to.

Add alternative text to your images so that visually impaired users can discover your content.

Remember that you have the option to add a title: open the ‘Pinterest presets’ box to write the title and choose an existing board or create a new one, add a new one and put a link to your post.

You can also shorten the link using Metricool’s link shortener. In this case, until the post is published, the link will not appear.

3 Select the date to post

Have you already prepared the post? Choose the date and time you want your pin to be published and click save. Also, you can check the ‘Publish now’ box so the content will be upload on Pinterest at the moment. 

You can check on your calendar that the Pin has been properly scheduled.

4 Done!

You don’t need to do anything else. Metricool will do the rest and publish the pin at the right time. 

Wait, this is not all. There is something else! Keep reading.


If you prefer, you can do it from the online design tool Canva.

With the integration of both tools, you simply have to design the image or video for your Pin on Pinterest, share it with Metricool, add the copy and choose the social network where you want it to be published.

metricool with canva
Metricool on Canva

Metricool Autolists

With Metricool’s autolists, you can program content weekly, so your Pinterest profile is permanently active. 

This helps you save work time: you plan the content for several days and forget about it, while Metricool does the work for you.

The only difference with the normal planner is that you cannot add a title to the pin, but you can create a Board or add the post to an existing one.

schedule pinterest with Metricool autolist

You already have everything to schedule Pinterest with Metricool. What are you waiting for?

Carlos Bravo Carlos Bravo , 31 January 2022
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