Podcasting: Harnessing Its Power

06 May 2021

In the world of Digital Marketing, there came a time when we were over-saturated with content and podcasting was born as an alternative to traditional written post consumption.

What is Podcasting?

Podcasting or podcasts are the distribution of audio or video content through RSS (syndication systems) that gives users the option to subscribe to listen to or view it on their mobiles through a download program.

Content Saturation

Regardless of whether you are a first-time blogger or you already have a more or less consolidated website. You should know that written blogs today face the terrible obstacle of what some have dubbed infoxication.

As Americans say “Data never sleeps”. They are right. Content never sleeps because every minute of every day millions of likes are generated on Facebook, hundreds of thousands of tweets or hundreds of hours of video are uploaded to YouTube.

And in the middle of this mess of content is your business on the Internet, mind and those of millions of digital entrepreneurs. It’s difficult to stand out.


Before continuing to publish content on your blog day after day and week after week. Before trying to break the barrier of head-splittinginfoxication. It’s a good idea to stop, take a deep breath, and ask yourself a decisive question: For what reason are they going to follow me and how are they going to find me?

Content is still the king of internet marketing. But it is no longer enough to stand out,
the king needs a companion.

How can you stand out? By creating long, complete posts that provide extraordinary added value to your audience (ahem ahem), you will also have to:

  • Manage social networks with mastery.
  • Apply the latest tricks for SEO.
  • Participate in events on and offline.
  • Master the design.
  • Write well and create a good editorial plan.
  • Connect with influencers in your niche.

I don’t want to discourage you – the opposite, but if you are starting out in online marketing and your only bet is a blog, prepare to crush stone like a person condemned for years.

They are the exceptions that prove the rule and in reality their success is rarely due to just one blog.

Infoxication affects us all. But they say that obstacles are nothing more than opportunities in search of a solution.Instead of exacerbating the problem,
how about I share a solution with you?


My little big revolution came when I discovered podcasting a few years ago…


As I told you before, I have been working on this digital marketing for almost two decades (I have tried practically everything), and I can assure you that I have never seen a more effective channel to attract, retain, connect with your target audience.

Podcasting is a secret weapon (although it is becoming an open secret) to differentiate yourself from the competition and stand out in a very noisy world.

Oscar, Why is a podcast worth creating?

I’m glad you asked me that question. The time has come to know the 4 powerful reasons why you should include podcasts in your online marketing strategy…


In this digital marketing, it is well known that the one who arrives first usually obtains better results than those who come after.

The online medium favors early adopters: it rewards pioneers by giving them more visibility and inertia which is difficult to achieve.

The perfect time to create a podcast is now – you may be one of the pioneers of
podcasting in your niche, before it becomes oversaturated.

This is indicated by market studies such as Edison Research. He points out that more than 21% of Americans have listened to a podcast in the last month (almost double form three years ago). And you know, where there is smoke there is a fire and if this is happening in the US, it will extend to other regions sooner or later. 

But do you know what is still the best? There aren’t enough offers. You have users willing to listen to content related to your niche (instead of reading it), but there is still little variety.

Come on, just the opposite of infoxication!

The online marketing world is usually saturated, and you have a virgin field to explore with not too many competitors. And that, dear Reader, is a real luxury.


But you can’t waste your time waiting for the perfect moment, because we never have the perfect moment. And nothing is eternal. The perfect time is now, so please don’t be left behind.


In online marketing, quality is worth more than quantity. The really important thing is not the visitors, but the conversions.

And quality is about connecting emotionally with people —with those real people that make up your Audience— and here, again, the podcast offers a colossal advantage over other marketing channels.

The voice has an irresistible appeal to the public, among other things because it offers a closeness that a written text cannot convey. The podcast makes you and your content more human. The listener listens to you and an emotional bond is established that I can assure you (and pardon the kitsch) is magical.

If your audience is not listening before falling asleep in bed, they will be accompanied by your personal brand in the car, while doing sports, on public transport, while cooking, etc.

The podcast has an unbeatable ease of consumption. Your target audience can listen to it at any time and from anywhere.


Anyone can create a web page. There are no barriers to entry. There, precisely, lies a good part of the problem.

After the written blog, the podcast is the most affordable medium in terms of technical requirements and monetary investment.

A podcast is also much easier to produce than video. You can forget about cameras, lenses, angles and spotlights. Plus, you don’t need to woo your audience with a particularly handsome physique. In this sense, the podcast is a much more democratic method, where content and personality prevail, more so than the image.


Launching a podcast requires some technical conditions -we are not going to fool ourselves either. But I assure you, you don’t have to be a sound technician or a radio host.

To launch your minimum viable program you only need a normal and current computer (the same one you use to manage your blog) and an audio editing program. I use Audacity which has all the essential functionalities, and it is also free.

As you can see, we have not spent a single dollar yet. The microphone does not have to be expensive either, since many of the smartphone headphones can be used just fine. And if not, you’ll be able to find a perfectly good model for 30 euros or so.

Finally, you need hosting, which you will find from about five euros a month, to store your episodes. For less than the cost of three coffees a month, you can share that same content that you have already created for your blog with millions of other people through a podcast. Don’t you think it’s at least worth a try?


Quality networking is a decisive factor in digital business. In fact, as I explained to you before, in the world of blogging these types of relationships are crucial. If you do not establish relationships with the influencers of your niche, it is frankly difficult  for them to share your content. And if they don’t, your content will have even less visibility. It is a vicious cycle that is difficult to break. 

But it is not easy to access influential professionals because they are in high demand and are always involved with a thousand issues. If you want to pique their curiosity, you cannot propose any kind of collaboration. If you blog has not yet taken off, what can you offer them?

I think (from my own experience) that the podcast stimulates prestigious professionals. It is a new channel, less saturated and that guarantees a special connection with the audience. It gives them the opportunity to make themselves known, consolidate their authority and convey their message in a much more profound and personal way than through traditional guest posts.

The Online Marketing Academy – my own podcast that you can listen to on iTunes and other platforms like iVoox – has not only allowed me to build a powerful personal brand and stand out in a tremendously competitive industry. In addition, it has given me the possibility of connecting with the most influential experts in my sector. Something that I would never have achieved with a simple blog.

And you know what?

You can achieve the exact same thing with a podcast in your niche. It’s just a matter of getting started. And if you’re not sure yet, I recommend downloading  this free roadmap (in Spanish) on the benefits of podcasting for your business.


Before finishing, I want to clarify that this reflection does not go against blogging, nor does it imply that you do not need a blog.

Quite the opposite. The blog continues to be the foundation of my digital marketing strategy. It is precisely there (and not elsewhere) where users subscribe to my newsletter, buy my products and contract my services.

Therefore, it is not a question of choosing between a blog or a podcast. You don’t have to decide if you love mom or dad more.

But your blog can no longer be the only vehicle to share your content. 

Podcasting is a reality. You have a fantastic opportunity to leave your anonymity, differentiate yourself from your competition and connect with your audience.

You are still on time, although I don’t know for sure how long. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. 

Oscar Feito Oscar Feito , 06 May 2021
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