Social Media Trends 2024: What’s Next

POV you have entered 2024 and all the new trends, updates, algorithms, and more about the social media world are beginning to overwhelm you. Well, we are here to be sure this does not happen to you. In this blog, we are going to dive deep into what is next in the social media world as we quickly approach 2024. 

But first, take a deep breath, think about your social media goals for 2024, and visualize success! We are going to walk you through some best practices that will help you crush your 2024 goals as well as some predictions based on statistics. Let’s go! 

Why Create Social Media Strategies? 

Each new year it is important to create new social media goals and establish what your ups and downs are so you can constantly improve each year. You are unable to do this without taking a look at what you accomplished and or struggled with the year prior. 

We conducted two in-depth social media studies for both TikTok and Instagram. We gathered information and statistics from 2023 that can really aid your predictions for this upcoming year and beyond. 

By analyzing your past social media strategies you can effectively discover what went well and what did not and then you will be able to tweak your strategy to create more of the content that performed well. We wish this was enough, but as we already know, social media is everchanging so let’s be proactive as well. 

5 Best Social Media Practices for 2024

Prioritize Your Customers 

This sounds easy, but it goes deeper than auto-responses to DMS and commenting here and there on other pages. Prioritizing your customers means creating an authentic relationship with them via social media. Creating a relationship where you are more personalized with the customers helps with brand loyalty and longer-lasting customer relationships. It will also be vital to reply quickly to your customers. Social media is known for its quickness whether it is with the release of news, instant entertainment, and fast replies to questions/comments. 

This places a bit more stress on your social media marketers or content creators to get a quick reply. We have an easy solution to this. Metricools Inbox makes it easy to organize all of your messages in one place so you won’t miss a message. Click the button below to learn more: 

Utilize Approval Workflows 

When it comes to working closely with clients and your marketing team, it takes efficient communication and organization to stay on track, especially when it comes to something as key as content planning. That’s why having a social media approval process is a game-changer. 

With Metricool’s social media approval process, all contributors are part of the workflow. Your client, team, and design manager, all are part of the process, from start to finish! To learn more, click the button below: 

Publish at Optimal Times

Posting content at the best time will remain important in 2024. The reason is simple, you want to post your content when the most amount of eyes will see it. There are many ways to discover your best posting time. It is important to note that they differ from platform to platform and heavily depend on your specific audience’s demographic. 

To make it easier on yourself, Metricool offers a ‘Best Time to Post’ feature where it calculates all of the information stated above and gives you the best times via percentages on our planning page. For a complete guide click below: 

Prioritize your Metrics 

Metrics are arguably the most important part of your social strategy. By analyzing your metrics you are able to measure the success of posts to constantly tweak your social strategy. 

Metricool offers many metrics for multiple digital platforms. If you connect your accounts, you can find valuable insights for Web/blog, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, Twitch, YouTube, Google My Business, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and TikTok Ads. To review all the metrics related to your accounts in detail that you will find on Metricool and what they mean, click the button below: 

You Do Not Need To Be On Every Platform

Do not feel the need to post on every platform. Each platform specializes in different types of content, has different kinds of audiences, etc. So it is essential to establish who your audience is and what type of content makes the most sense for your brand. You can also utilize your larger platforms to market yourself. Meaning using your larger more popular platforms to market your smaller accounts. 

5 Predictions for 2024  


AI has already shown up a lot already this year and we do not see it going anywhere. Quite the opposite actually. From content creation to creating a whole YouTube video AI can help your business immensely. In fact, if you have not implemented some kind of AI into your social media strategy now is the time. 

With Metricool, we offer an AI tool that can help with all of your ideas. Inside Metricool’s Planner, you will find an AI assistant that helps you create texts for your social media copy. Our assistant is ready to put itself in the shoes of a social media manager and adapt your instructions to text.

Longer Videos 

Longer videos may be making a comeback in 2024. TikTok has become an extremely popular video platform and more recently we have been seeing longer videos being made. With the 10-minute option, users have been creating much longer content for their audience to enjoy. For example, trends like ‘A day in the life’ or vlogging-type videos, the longer ones have been seen to do well. 

Social Media Platforms as Search Engines 

Social media platforms have become many people’s go-to search engine slowly but surely and we predict even more in 2024. From questions about which products to use, where to eat, and which outfit to wear, many people (especially the younger generation) are turning to social media before going to Google. 

With many of the social media apps improving their search options where you can type a simple phrase and find tons of information, why not turn to social media? 

More Authenticity 

If you are on social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, you may have noticed a substantial shift in the type of content users are posting’. Users on social media are putting a high priority on being more authentic on their social media platforms. 

For example, on Instagram, many are saying goodbye to the very edited single post and hello to carousels known as ‘photo dumps’. And on TikTok, there are lots of influencers that are using their platforms to be real and raw about struggles like parenting, mental illness, etc. 

So as a business owner or content creator, being as authentic as possible will be beneficial for you in the coming years. 

Influencer Marketing will Remain Important

Influencer marketing has made its mark and will continue to do so in 2024. Using influencers is a great way to spread your brand awareness in a quick and effective way. Influencer Marketing is an exchange between users with certain authority on digital media and a brand. The Influencer promotes a product, service, or brand in exchange for monetary or in-kind remuneration. 

We are aware that this type of marketing can be expensive, but there are so many influencers out there from micro-influencers, and nano-influencers, to top influencers. You can find one that fits your budget and your niche. For a full Influencer guide, click the button below: 

Being a part of the social media world, it is essential to be proactive and stay on top of new trends and updates. We hope this not only lets you in on some tips to succeed in the new year but also motivates and inspires you to start 2024 off strong and prepared! 

If you want to make 2024 a breeze and manage all of your social media platforms in one place, create an account with us at Metricool! 

sophie sophie , 23 November 2023
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