X Removes Link Headlines From Posted Articles

05 October 2023

Yes, you read that right. X or formally Twitter, began testing a new link format on the platform earlier this week. The new format removes the article headline when shared in a post. Now only the photo and website are displayed when sharing. The direct website will still be attached to your X post but in a smaller and less eye catching way.

In a photo shared by Pop Base, you can see the differences in the new format.

X’s new article format, Via: Pop Base

Elon Musk, the owner of X, teased this new formatting back in August with an X reply. He says that this new style will improve the overall aesthetics of the application, making it look more compact with less clickbait.

Elon Musk replies to X post

The recent change will definitely affect companies that like to post articles, blogs, and other stories on X. A new strategy will have to be made by those who share direct links.

In a post made by Musk on October 3rd, he mentioned “Our algorithm tries to optimize time spent on X, so links don’t get as much attention, because there is less time spent if people click away. Best thing is to post content in long form on this platform”. He believes that long form content should be posted more on the platform, rather than links. X threads / conversations could be a good idea for users to start posting and capitalizing on.

Will we see more X updates soon?

Check out this blog to see all the updates X / Twitter has made throughout the years.

Robert Catoir Robert Catoir , 05 October 2023
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