Threads Comes Out With New Features

10 August 2023

Threads has come out with new updates to keep up with X. The Instagram app announced yesterday a handful of new features. Even though the new social media application is still in its early stages, it needs to expand its features in order to compete with Elon Musk and his social site.

Adding Alt Text

The first new feature on Threads is the option to add custom alt text to images or videos.

The alt text button is on the bottom left of the image.
Add in your alt text into the text box

Having an alt text option allows those visually impaired users to understand your content. This can also boost your visibility.

Send a Thread on Instagram DM’s

Secondly, you can send a Thread post directly to your Instagram DM’s. All you have to do is press the share button on a post and then you’ll have the option to “Send on Instagram”. This feature comes after the other sharing options of posting a Thread to your story or feed.

The “Send on Instagram” option is added to the share options.

Take a Look At Your Likes

In addition to the above features, you now have the option to look back at your past likes. This is exactly like the feature on Instagram.

“Your Likes” button

Mention Button Added to Profile

Lastly, a mention icon has also been added to everyone’s profiles. Now you can directly mention someone from their account page. Some may ask, “Is this needed”? We believe it can be a good way to increase engagement between users.

The mention icon on Threads’ profile

Let’s see if new features will continue to be rolled out. Certainly this is a step in the right direction after the decline of active users.

If you want to learn all about Threads, read this informational blog!

Robert Catoir Robert Catoir , 10 August 2023
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